5 second film

Our 5 second film experience was awesome. This was really fun, and something that took a lot more thought than I thought it would when we were first given the assignment.

Our team was awesome as well, we all came together and threw ideas around to make our videos come together the way they did. I really enjoyed how we all put a little aspect into each one of the five second videos. The time that we had to fill was so small that we really had to get a lot in within a very little amount of time. Our team did a great job collaborating together and getting these main points across in these short films. We all threw our ideas together and used the best of all of them to come up with our videos. Teamwork was key in this.

The music we used in the one film was pretty obvious for why we used Christmas music. We did it because it was snowing out, and it was extremely cold. For the other one we chose the dialogue we did because we wanted to use our key word right in the video. These both worked really well.

We chose the frame shots we did because we felt that they best showed what was going on in those given moments. All the shots worked together and got the main idea for what we wanted at that time through.

The biggest difficulty I thought we had was the digital quality of the video. We recorded on a cell phone so the quality wasn’t the best. The weather also wasn’t the best so the lighting for some of the outdoor shots wasn’t very good. The 48-hour rule wasn’t even an issue remotely for us since we got our projects done in one class period.

We did a really good job of getting our message through I thought. We made it funny, and everybody seemed to enjoy it. I thought we did a good job at making people enjoy it and get our point across at the same time. We worked together very well as well.

The only thing that  I would do differently would be to shoot with a better camera so that our footage would be clearer. The time constraints that were put on weren’t bad with such a small project but if there were really strict time constraints on a large project it would be much harder.



Self Portrait



This picture represents my Self Portrait. This happens to be the picture that represents me because baseball is obviously my one love that I have through everything. But the other things that represent me are the man in the middle of the field who is preparing the field to play. I feel like this is a representation that I’m preparing myself for where I’m going to be after this final year of college. My aspirations are to play major league baseball and this is a Double-A level field meaning that it’s a building block to where I want to be.

Photo Challenge

As we all know baseball is a big deal for me. So when my task became something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue y’all should have known baseball would’ve been the topic for all of them.

Something New

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The Pittsburgh Pirates made the Postseason for the first time in over 20 years. This is something new for them and their superstar player Andrew McCutchen.

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This beauty is my new glove, aka my baby. This is something new to me because I recently bought it and have been breaking it in for awhile now so she’s ready for the spring season.

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This scene of the sun rising is something new for me because I was up early enough to catch it intentionally for the first time in a really long time. This represents a new experience for me.

Something Old

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Last years World Series Champions the San Francisco Giants didn’t even make the playoffs this year, didn’t even come close for that matter. Once you’ve won the Series and don’t make the playoffs the next year you become old news. So the Giants are old news now.

Something Borrowed

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Summer league jersey….that isn’t mine. Clearly means that it’s borrowed….

Something Blue



The LA Dodgers. The team with the blue caps. These guys are back in the Postseason and are representing their colors well having one of the best records in baseball this season.

Something that I wasn’t able to get a picture of because nobody was willing…. was a Yankees fan. We all know how “blue” they’re feeling after the great season they had this year.





Net Neutrality

My stance on Net Neutrality has been one that hasn’t really changed throughout this process. Net Neutrality is something that should be equal for all people, regardless of their occupation or job title. All businesses should be treated as equals regardless of how big or small they are as well. Small businesses have every right to have the same internet access and speed as a larger business even though the larger business is probably doing more orders and larger orders as well. I believe that the internet is something that was built for everybody to enjoy and use whenever and however they really want.

Throughout my interviews I was given some answers that kind of surprised me. One of my interviewees told me that she believed big businesses should have faster internet because of the way that they function in comparison to the smaller businesses. She also went on to say that she wouldn’t want to pay for faster internet, but would be willing to if it gave her better quality than the everyday person.

My other interviewee pretty much agreed with my stance on new neutrality, and said a lot of the things that I had said about it and how everything should be equal regardless of the size of the business or the amount of business that they do on a daily basis. This made much more sense to me because of the way that he worded it in comparison to the way that I thought and I agreed with everything that he had said.

All in all I believe that net neutrality is something that we have to have otherwise the internet will become something that people won’t enjoy or use as much as they do now. I believe that people all have the same right to this because that is why it was made and the right shouldn’t be taken away from the people. Net neutrality is something that shouldn’t change and have people/businesses become “classes” because of it.

A picture says a thousand words




This picture is worth a thousand words because of where it is and what it represents to me. This is a photo of Fenway Park at dusk while sitting in the right field seats. This picture is awesome because of the background and just the fact that there is baseball being played by my favorite baseball team, the Red Sox. This picture is a picture that I look at and see the quote from the movie Moneyball “How can you not be romantic about baseball?” This picture shows what a perfect night in my life would be like. Either out there on the field playing or being in the stands watching my favorite team with a beautiful girl who loves the game just as much as I do. This is why this picture says a thousand words.

The Differences between Us and Them

This is one of the biggest things you can do as a writer, tell other peoples stories and lead people to seeing what that other person had seen. Having to tell somebody else’s story is extremely difficult however because you aren’t able to picture it in your mind mentally and have that image of what they had actually seen unless you were there with them. The difference between telling your own story and telling somebody else’s story is the fact that in your own personal stories, you know exactly what happened and you can even make little changes that’ll make the story even better because nobody else knows the experience that you had. When telling a story that had been told to you by somebody though you only know what they told you and that is all you can base your story off of. They can hold back things that they don’t want you to know about and that’s how you’ll tell the story. The difference is just all in the information that you are able to give.

When editing somebody else’s story you want to do everything perfectly. You want to make them sound as perfect as possible and have their story come through as they wanted it too. I feel like if you’re editing your own story there is a tendency to just want to get it over with and have it just done and sound decent. When editing Britani’s story I took a long time to find background music that would sound good with the way she spoke and something that would be gentle on the listener’s ears and draw their attention in. If i were editing my own story I feel like I would try to make mine much louder and have a ridiculous beat under myself talking to make it seem much more epic than it really was. I felt much more pressure to have something that sounded absolutely perfect for her story though because I wanted her to like it more than anything.

Digital stories are much more different than text-based stories in many ways. The most obvious way is that one is just sound and the other one is written down or in a book. But the big difference to me would have to be  the amount of attention that I can give during them respectively. During digital stories my mind can just wander off and imagine what the scenario is that the story-teller is in and get a very good mental picture and almost feel as if I’m there with them as they tell the story rather than with a written book I feel like I need to pay much more attention to the words that are written down and  I often don’t get as good of a mental picture as I do for a digital story.

American Movie- The Review

The film American Movie by Chris Smith is a documentary on a very hardworking filmmaker who would do anything to have his movie make it big time. The film shows the struggle that one goes through to make their dreams come true in the film making industry. This film shows the ups and downs that people go through in order for them to achieve what they’ve been working their entire lives for. Mark Borchardt is the man shown in the film who is striving to make his dreams a reality at the expense of himself and his family. He seems like a man on a mission that’ll never be resolved, between being a father and a film maker he has little time to do things that he’d like to with his kids along with being dead broke. This film shows people how to overcome adversity and make their dreams a reality though. The film is extremely character driven with Borchardt being the main character along with his friends and family. The film had a very good underlying message that every person can make their dreams happen. This was a very odd and peculiar film but all in all was rather entertaining and provided a good message. I liked it as a whole.

Childhood Story.

Back in the day when I was a young boy I used to be told stories all the time by my parents and grandparents. These stories stuck with me for a long, long time as I still remember them today. The story that I really remember were the ones from my grandparents about how they used to take care of their farm from the time they were little kids until when my mom was born and growing up. This stuck with me because I grew up around their house which still has the big red barn. There aren’t farm animals anymore or anything but just being there makes you see what it would’ve been like when they had farm animals and the way they went about taking care of the place. These stories just stuck because they’re personal stories of theirs that informs me about the way they grew up.